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Cougar Talk With Autumn Winter

Cougar talk with Autumn Winter aka me, the North Fairy and author of fantasy and creator of Gothic Bite Magazine!

Mental Health

From Shame To Maybe I Can

The mirror on the wall never said I was the most beautiful of them all. Instead, the voice in my head would say, “You are the ugliest of them all…you are an abomination. Why are you even alive?”

Mental Health

The Shame Of A Ballerina Body

A gym is not for me since I want to hide and not see mirrors. I don’t even want to walk outside. So, the best of both worlds would be rediscovering the ballerina in me. I hope to find a little peace and serenity.

Ireland Middle Ages Research Files

Cennétig The Ambition of an Irish King

Cennétig the ambition of an Irish king who desires the throne of all Ireland is ready to sacrifice his sons for a glimpse of it.

Historical Fiction Inspiration Research Files

When Writing Historical Fiction

When writing historical fiction a certain nerdiness comes out that isn’t quite found in other book genres and history is my weakness!

Fantasy Series Reviews

Once Upon A Time Four Years Later

Once Upon A Time, four years later, when binge-watching is at its peak, and you can meet the fairy tale series of a lifetime still up to date.

Research Files

The Tale of Charles Perrault

The tale of Charles Perrault is forgotten despite its importance in the literary world as the founder of the fairy tale genre.