Mental Health My Diary

The Rebirth Of A Vampire Romance Author

Sometimes, life hits us where we are the most scared. It digs into our phobias and triggers them one after the other. If we let it, it can be the end of us, but if we’re smart, it’s a new beginning.

Mental Health My Diary

A Lifetime Of Breast Shaming

Body shaming is a term that encompasses many things, and breast size is one of them-big breasts is shamed, and I lived with it, and I refuse to look at myself in the mirror because of the shame.

Mental Health My Diary

Requiem For The Previous Me

So many fairy tales are forgotten, and I’m bringing them back to life with a new voice to shine.

Mental Health My Diary

Body Shaming Caused My Cibophobia

Society had people say they wished to be sick like me. Society had people laugh at me for living in a constant state of fear. I looked like one of those super sickening x-ray models, and people still managed to bring me down.

Art Indie Community Mental Health My Diary

The Mean Side Of The Indie Community

Nothing was harder in my life than going to art school until I went on DeviantArt and was attacked by non-artist people.

Mental Health My Diary

Confession Of A Shamed Mind Born Broken

Some believe I suffer from asociality, which’s a mental disorder that has an association with introverts. It can be a clinical condition, but in my case, asociality isn’t my disorder. I am a misanthrope and know this to be true for me.

Mental Health My Diary

Confession Of A Misanthrope Artist

It took me years to understand myself. People rejected me at a very young age. Sure I have scars like any other my age, but I’m also differently wired.

Cotard's Syndrome Mental Health My Diary

Cotard SYNDROME Like The Undead But Alive

Cotard Syndrome is like The Walking Dead is a good question for a debate surrounding fictional fandoms, but what about mental disorders thinking you’re dead.

Art Author Talk Cougar Talk Deadmans Tome Mental Health My Diary Podcast Zombiepalooza Radio Live

Cougar Talk With Autumn Winter

Cougar talk with Autumn Winter aka me, the North Fairy and author of fantasy and creator of Gothic Bite Magazine!

Mental Health

When Blood Is Thinner Than Water

It is not a question of time because it is not reversible. One can only give a hand so many times before the person decides to drown. I